Residential --- $122.00 per Quarter
Commercial --- $174.00 per Quarter

 Actual Usage as of April 1, 2006
        Residential --- $3.20 per 1000 Gallons
          Commercial --- $4.80 per 1000 Gallons    

Capital Improvement/Maintenance as of Oct. 1, 2023
  Residential --- $30.00 per Quarter
Commercial --- $57.00 per Quarter

Service Fees
Residential and Commercial
                           Late Fee _______________________________ $  40.00
                           New Account Set-up ___________________  $  45.00
                           Property Lien set-up ___________________  $  45.00
                           Research for Title & Search Co. _________ $  45.00
                           Water Service On/Off ___________________ $136.00
                           Damaged/Missing Reader ______________ $100.00
                           Damaged Water Meter _________________  $225.00
                           Service Call ____________________________ $  68.00
                           Final Water Reading ____________________ $  68.00
                           Mark-out water service line _____________ $  68.00
                           Missed Service Appointment ___________  $  68.00 
                              (Without 24-hour prior notice)
                           One-time Fee: Mark-out for Gas Service    $175.00
                           Meter tampering is subject to prosecution. 
Current Billing Rates

Water Dept.
Payment is due within 30 days of an invoice.

Unpaid invoices past the due date will automatically be charged a late fee of $40 for each month the account remains unpaid.

An account that remains unpaid 31+ days past the due date is delinquent and will be subjected to water service interruption with additional fees and a lien placed on the property.

Brookwood Musconetcong River Property Owners' Association
POB 797, Stanhope, NJ  07874
Office: (973) 347-1040
E-mail:     Facebook:
Membership Dues
Annually, May 1st for each taxable lot is $25

     **As a water customer, to receive water service, you must be 
                     an Association member in good standing.**

Members of the BMRPOA include well and lot owners. When a builder or homeowner wants to hook up to the water system, there is an application, connection fee, and hook-up fee.

Please note, your well must be scheduled to be decommissioned
and will require an inspection prior to a hook-up.
Please call the office for