Scholarship Award Winners
Brookwood Musconetcong River Property Owners' Association
         A West Brookwood Community of Byram Township

2001 Daniel V. Mintz              2003 Kira Fagerlin 
2002 Alyssa Krake                 2004 Luke Boralsky
Applications are available to a graduating high school senior who is a West Brookwood resident, who is a member of a family that is in good standing in the association. 

The student must be planning to enter an institution of higher level of education, including a certified trade school and has been accepted for admission and plans to attend in the fall. Applications are available the first week in January of every year from the High School guidance office or by simply clicking on the "icon with the brush" below.

The deadline for admission is April 1st.

Double click here for an application:  

THE VOTE PROCESS:  The water department administrator (WDA) redacts the applicants’ names so that the reviewers are blinded to the authors’ identities and assigns an identification number to the applications. Copies of the applications are distributed to the Board of Governors who vote for the one that they believe is most deserving of the scholarship. After the voting is completed, the applications are unblinded by the WDA and the winner is announced.

2005 Ashley Baty
2006 Amanda Brady
2007 Dana Inez
2008 Angela Gargano
 2009 Danielle Walker
2010 Paul R. Rochette
2011 Stephanie D'Ulisse
2012 Serena Gattuso
2013 Kimberly Rochette
2014 Hannah Gattuso
2015 Kelly Catanzaro
2016 Dennis Phan
2017 Hannah Joudi
2018 Steven McHugh, Jr.
2019 Dylan Kuncken and    Nicole Fekete
 2020 John Zeich & Kevin Joudi 
during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2021 Katarina Drace & Kyle McHugh
2022 Jacye Kenny
2023 Elaina Kenny
2024 Stephanie Cubberly